What we offer
Bristol Therapy Service offers client-informed psychotherapy
I am really passionate about working collaboratively with people. We will work together to create a style of therapy or supervision which is individually tailored to you, and your aims. Developing a trusting relationship which provides the right conditions for people to work towards their goals is fundamental regardless of the approach that is used. Feeling comfortable and safe with me is really important. The relationship we have is developed through working in partnership and encouraging your feedback about what is, and is not helpful. I am also passionate about removing barriers to accessing therapy so I am able to offer telephone and online sessions if needed.
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT):
CBT is based on the idea that how we think can affect the way we feel physically and emotionally, and can influence how we act. In turn, how we act also influences the way we think and feel. It is an extensively researched approach which has resulted in it being nationally recommended as effective in overcoming depression and anxiety problems such as:
Social Anxiety
Separation Anxiety
Health Anxiety
Generalised Anxiety (excessive worry).
Body Dysmorphia Disorder
This approach can be really helpful if you (or your child) are experiencing distressing thoughts and emotions, physical symptoms, or behaviours which are impacting on your ability to function in day to day life, and participate in specific activities. It is a structured approach where the initial aim is to develop a shared understanding of how the difficulties have arisen, how they impact on day to day life, and identify factors that might be maintaining them in the here and now. We will map out this shared understanding (a process called formulation). We then use this map to develop a therapy plan to guide our sessions. We will explore research-led interventions and techniques in session and as home practice tasks. This is a short-term ( usually 6-28 sessions) approach where you will develop tools and practices that can be used to manage the challenges you face within and beyond the therapy. It can also be helpful for loved ones to participate in the therapy (in a way that works for you) so that they can learn how to support you more effectively. We will regularly review our progress using tools to measure how effective the therapy is, and to ensure that it is helping you towards your goals.
If you would like to know more about CBT here is a useful link : https://www.mind.org.uk/information-support/drugs-and-treatments/cognitive-behavioural-therapy-cbt/#.XaxBSy2ZNQJ
Integrative Counselling:
Integrative counselling, is an approach to psychotherapy that recognises individual differences and needs within the therapy process. It rests on the assumption that no single approach can benefit all people in all situations. Rather, each person needs to be considered fully and within their current context. This may mean taking into account psychological, physiological, social, cultural and spiritual elements of the person and their life. Consequently, the counselling techniques employed are tailored to your individual needs and personal circumstances. This means that I offer theories or psychological frameworks to explore their relevance and helpfulness in making sense of things, rather than imposing them on people. Integrative counselling can be longer-term than CBT, however the flexibility of the approach means that it can be really helpful in the short-term too.
If you would like to know more about Integrative Therapy here is a useful link: https://www.counselling-directory.org.uk/integrative-therapy.html
I have experience in providing one to one and group clinical supervision with mental health professionals and therapists from a broad range of modalities working within a range of organisational settings. These include IAPT, CAMHS, educational settings, voluntary sector and community services. I am currently working with practitioners at Nilaari https://www.nilaari.co.uk/ and Creative Youth Network (CYN) https://www.creativeyouthnetwork.org.uk/.
I have supervised Psychological Wellbeing Practitioners, CBT therapists and trainees, and psychotherapy and doctorate level students. My own work experience means that I am aware of the personal, professional, and systemic challenges that can arise when working within organisational settings and broader systems (political, social, cultural). I offer different styles of supervision specifically tailored to practitioner and organisational needs. This ranges from Case-Management, Reflective Practice, and CBT specific supervision. Some practitioners require a more relational and systemically informed approach. Here we may explore socio-cultural influences on your service -users and your practice. We can use research, and theoretical frameworks to develop understanding of clients and ensure the delivery of effective client-driven practice. Ultimately, we will focus on your identified areas of development and learning. As with my client work, my aim is to be collaborative in developing a style of supervision that works for you, your clients, and your organisational setting. Supervision can take place via online, in my office or at your place of work.